Monday, October 8, 2007

A new beginning

Starting my blog had always been something very close to my heart. It had to be perfect ... and the first post had to be so special, that it was most definitely worth writing about....something so important as if the fate of the whole world depended on it :) . Only I know of the numerous things that I wanted to express or talk about ....but didn't think them worthy of being my first post ...and consequently , were duly fed to the "Recycle Bin".

But just last week while reading "Kane and Abel" , I realized how a poor and simple Polish boy , working at the stock market with an insignificant job..a literal nobody....would one day become one of the most powerful men in the world. Everything has got to start somewhere .... and a "humble" beginning does not deem it unworthy in any way.

So here I am , Debdutta "CaesaR" Choudhuri... ready to record my thoughts about myself , my environment , about the people and objects close to my heart, things that bring a tear or a smile upon my face when I recollect them (Such moments truly define a person's life and one should acknowledge their existence) as well as some Figments of my "presently dormant" Imagination.

1 comment:

Rohit Gupta said...

well....not much to comment as this is just an intro piece....but really hoping to get some enriching thoughts on ur part in the coming days :)